石欣卉 《一切完美》 插曲: 你没想像中爱我
Nice show on Ch U just ended. Love this song.
I didn't get to watch every episode, but only a few here and there. Yet each episode always touches me... the felicia chin episode was my most memorable one...
And i always love to hear this song at the end of the show. (Shi Xin Hui is real good... and she wrote the lyrics for this songs too!)
"If u can tolerate imperfection, everything else will be perfect."that's how the best quote from the show goes, something like that...
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1. Am going for reservist for the first 2.5 weeks in Aug.
2 of my good friends will not be going for reservist this time for various reasons, it'll be more fun if they will be there since the reservist is gonna be so long >_<
2. I was supposed to attend a church wedding today, but i forgot!
Actually, it might be better. I always feel awkward whenever I attend my ex-cell members' weddings. The awkwardness starts from the beginning, when i meet my ex cell members, then we chat for a while. The usual no-long-no-see-how-have-u-been.
Then the ceremony starts. And yeah, there a man and a woman are together, as what 'should be' as what the church always proudly proclaims.
And then, photo-taking, and i'll feel strange sitting there coz i dun really belong to any categories (there's no ex-church members category). So i'll pop down to the refreshments. And try to talk to some ex-cell members again provided they are free.
Soon after, it's time for them to go for the wedding dinner and i'll head home, feeling some sort of post-wedding blues. But it's more of seeing my ex-cell members and wondering how we have weathered secondary and esp JC together back then, yet when i have left the church, we become mere acquaintances. Friendship seems to vanish between the thin line of God and the world.
I appreciate it when one tries to meet up with me regularly. Of course it always gets back to the topic of God, but at least she tries to do so. And it's even more ironic when I didn't consider her to be as close to me as the others since me and her were from different JCs.
But *oops*, it's her wedding that i missed today...