Sunday, July 20, 2008

Driving by myself

Took my bro's car for a spin today! And since the fuel's like 1/4, i refilled it, and i realised petrol is indeed very expensive O_O

Gosh got horned at a few times! It was still abit scary since

1. i just passed last week

2. i am driving alone. Well my bro is overseas and he did say i could drive if need be... (So i decide to do my aprt and refill to full tank without knowing full tank is SO expensive)

3. i went on the PIE. Ok this part quite fun la.

4. People kept cutting in... Coz i P-Plate?? Never mind, safety first.

5. I dunno how to park without poles. Geez. Have to find one lot without cars beside it, otherwise sure buang. And then i still have to move forward adjust, backward adjust, forward again. And i still dunno how to park outside now. The car that's parked at my hdb carpark now is just... the positiong can be more perfect. (But i shall not waste more petrol adjusting it...)

6. I went up parkway carpark where i have to keep turning. And turning. And turning... And when i come down, i have to keep turning, and turning, and turning again...

7. I dunno how to change my bro's stereo from CD to radio. Ok this just a technical problem...

Driving auto is shiok!


Watched 赤壁 last week. I love it! Just brought me back as though I am in the 3 guo world. The 2.5hrs just flew by so quickly, now I am awaiting part 2!

Oh initially i didn't noe what's the english name...

Frd: U wan watch what movie?
Me: Hmmm... "Naked cliff"?
Frd: Eh what show??
Me: 赤壁 lor! The one with Tony Leung and Jin Cheng Wu (U mean u dint noe?? This big production??)
*no reply*

Then i realised later, the English name is "RED cliff".

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